NO Fluff • EASY to understand • “No law degree required”




Learn about common creator misconceptions and mistakes, so you don’t have to make the same ones. After this lesson, you’ll know exactly what important steps to take to officially own your intellectual property – and why it’s crucial to your success!

Includes easy to understand video instruction & a "Do You Own Your IP? Fill-in Table" – so you can track and figure out if you own your assets.



Did you know Ownership = Control of IP?


 If you don't own it, someone else is in control (Not You).


Want to learn how to ensure you own (and control) your IP so you can protect, market, sell, license & profit from your hard work? 


This course is for you!  

Questions this course will answer:

  • How can I figure out if I own my IP?

  • Do I own the logo I paid for?
  • Can I protect my IP if I don’t own it?

  • Why do I need to have a contract with the illustrator, photographer, web designer, marketing company, etc. I hired?

  • What happens if I don’t own my IP?

  • How can I control who uses my IP?

  • Can an employee or employer own my IP?

Ready to learn the important steps to take to officially own your intellectual property?



Meet Stephanie Pottick 😊 

“I learned the hard way so you don’t have to!” 

Working in the toy industry on the business side for over a decade before becoming an IP, licensing and business attorney allows me to understand legal from the business perspective – your perspective. My goal is to make legal FUN & EASY to understand so you can identify and avoid legal blind spots. My passion is to teach YOU how to protect your business and brands with this “no-law-degree-required” course so you can protect, launch and license with confidence.

As featured in: 

What People Are Saying:  


Gila Kurtz

"Our decision to work with Stephanie was based on her extensive knowledge of IP protection and her thoughtful manner. Stephanie is a true professional who took a sincere interest in our brand, provided us with appropriate education and counsel, and always delivered timely service. Her mission to protect the dreams and original ideas of entrepreneurs is evident in everything she does."

Juan C.

"Protect for Success provided valuable information in an engaging and easy to understand manner. The worksheets provided a practical way of applying the information to your own experience."

Kaia Tingley

“This is EXACTLY what I wanted to know. You've done an excellent job in structuring the course. I’ve already got more clarity on legal protections than I’ve had from years of trying to understand the various protections on my own. Your narration of this course is so positive and uplifting too.”

How to Make Sure You Own Your IP

Courses are individual lessons and do not need to be taken in any particular order.

One Time Cost




If you aren’t completely satisfied with this Protect for Success module, let us know within the first 7-days for a full refund. No questions asked. For more information & how to request a refund please read our Legal Policies & Disclaimers.


This course does not provide legal advice.


Legal Policies & Disclaimers